Minister of Defense pays a working visit to Lebanon

31 Jul 2019

Within the working visit to the Republic of Lebanon the head of the Kazakhstan defense agency Major General N. Yermekbayev got familiarized with the everyday activities of the military personnel of Kazakhstan peacekeeping contingent and its rotation process and also held negotiations with Lebanese National Defense Minister Elias Bou Saab.

During his visit to a zone of responsibility of the IndKazBat battalion, which includes the Kazakhstan peacekeeping company, the Minister of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan Major General N. Yermekbayev got familiarized with the everyday activities of the military personnel of Kazakhstan peacekeeping contingent and its rotation process. The zone of responsibility of the Kazakhstan peacekeeping contingent directly includes the territories of the eastern part of the so-called “Blue Line”, which corresponds to the internationally recognized border of Lebanon and considered to be the most disputed line of separation of the parties to the conflict.

The Kazakhstan military personnel for six months carried out tasks of maintaining peace and security in the region, performed functions on the area patrol, organization of observation posts, monitoring the cease-fire observance, assistance to the civilian population and also participated in all events conducted by the headquarters of a mission.

“The fulfillment of the peacekeeping mission is a matter of national importance. This is the fulfillment of the international obligations of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the World community and the United Nations. The UN leadership constantly notes our country’s adjusted approach in promoting international peace and security,” noted the head of the defense agency of Kazakhstan speaking in front of peacekeepers.

It should be noted that for the first time in the history of the Republic of Kazakhstan the national peacekeeping company of 120 military personnel and 3 staff officers was sent to the Republic of Lebanon to carry out the mission on maintaining peace and security. The Command of the UN mission in Lebanon, as well as the IndKazBat battalion, highly evaluate the training of Kazakhstan peacekeepers.

Besides, during the visit the negotiations between the Minister of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan Major General N. Yermekbayev and the Minister of National Defense of the Republic of Lebanon Elias Bou Saab were held. Following the results of the meeting, the parties confirmed their readiness to develop interaction between the defense agencies of Kazakhstan and Lebanon, discussed promising directions of cooperation and also shared views on topical issues of the international and regional agenda. Major General N. Yermekbayev thanked the Lebanese side for their assistance in the deployment of the Kazakhstan peacekeeping company within participation in the UN Interim Force in Lebanon mission.

In turn, Mr. Elias Bou Saab thanked the Republic of Kazakhstan for the decision to contribute to the efforts on maintaining peace and security within the framework of the United Nations.