Kazakhstan from Space

Commander Scott Kelly of the International Space Station has amazed the world with his photos of planet Earth taken from space. His photos show us howbreathtakingly surreal and beautiful Earth looks from orbit. These are the photos he’s taken from above Kazakhstan. Update: Astronauts continue to take photos of Kazakhstan from ISS. Their photos will continue to be added at the end of this list.
#GoodMorning #Kazakhstan! Good to have your native son, @AidynAimbetov onboard @Space_Station. He's doing great! pic.twitter.com/8ZRS5En7Pw
— Scott Kelly (@StationCDRKelly) September 6, 2015
#EarthArt Our planet seems to have a sense of humor at times. #YearInSpace pic.twitter.com/rvyjJHqFgi
— Scott Kelly (@StationCDRKelly) September 30, 2015
If I was looking through a microscope instead of a very big camera lens I would think I was looking at a virus pic.twitter.com/CGdEzGz1iz
— Scott Kelly (@StationCDRKelly) May 3, 2015
Some people see images in clouds. I see images on Earth. What do you see in these #patterns? #YearInSpace pic.twitter.com/OK09KE0571
— Scott Kelly (@StationCDRKelly) April 29, 2015
Love how sunset turns the mountains blue. #YearInSpace pic.twitter.com/wkoMdQRFvF
— Scott Kelly (@StationCDRKelly) December 13, 2015
More mountain blue from @Space_Station! #YearInSpace pic.twitter.com/rmsjLFsiru
— Scott Kelly (@StationCDRKelly) December 13, 2015
#Halloween #EarthArt Some places of our world look other worldly. Boo! #YearInSpace pic.twitter.com/CwT86NtR5Y
— Scott Kelly (@StationCDRKelly) October 31, 2015
Каспий pic.twitter.com/yakMacJxnf
— Айдын Аимбетов (@AidynAimbetov) September 6, 2015
Took this a few months ago from @Space_Station. Beautiful colors surrounding lake in Kazakhstan pic.twitter.com/TL0BDBu3PB
— Shane Kimbrough (@astro_kimbrough) May 19, 2017