Foreign Policy

Regional Stability & Security

Kazakhstan’s leadership in regional security cooperation has contributed to stability, peace and economic prosperity of the neighboring countries. The country has supported stabilization activities in Afghanistan and fought the common regional security threats, including nuclear proliferation, terrorism, trafficking in persons, narcotics, and organized crime as well as the newly emerging ones - climate change, food security, and water security. Kazakhstan has worked with the US since its independence in 1991 to advance the country’s capabilities to tackle these threats and ensure regional stability.

Kazakhstan has assumed a critical role as a regional leadership role in supporting the stabilization of Afghanistan. The country granted the overflight rights to coalition forces during operation Enduring Freedom and has since allowed for continued air and land transit for NATO ad US troops and equipment supplies to and from Afghanistan, effectively integrating into the Northern Distribution Network (NDN). In addition, Kazakhstan has played an important role in economic recovery of Afghanistan and efforts to integrate the country into the region within the US Department of State’s New Silk Road Initiative.

The government has established a $50 million scholarship program to educate one thousand Afghan students at Kazakhstan’s universities. It co-chaired the Istanbul Process, opened a trade office in Kabul, contributed to the sustainment of Afghan National Security forces, built infrastructure, and established KazAID – an aid agency focusing on Afghanistan and Central Asia. The infrastructure projects supported by the government include financing the construction of schools, hospitals, bridges, water supplies and the Kunduz-Talukan road. KazAID aims to render $2 million worth of humanitarian aid to Afghanistan in 2014.


Kazakhstan has a pro-active actor in the world scene regards the situation in Afghanistan as a priority on its foreign policy agenda and exerts serious efforts to facilitate reconstruc... Read more